
Saturday 1.9.10

After a film class and a quick de-installation of a previous project, I came in for a few hours to get caught up with my writing. I’ve been struggling to manage my time. There’s so much I want to do! I have a tendency to create poetry in the round, but I want equal time to explore it all in writing. Then there’s the need to document this and that and, O, for a few more hours! It being a Saturday at suppertime, I saw no one. The building felt colossal and quiet, but not asleep. I get the feeling this building does not sleep. The lights in places winked on and greeted me. Hello, Poet. Hello, Conference Room. Hello, Poet. Hello, Hallway.

1 comment:

Hernan said...

a sign of our times...wanting to do so much and yet, having so little time! we will write about the not being able to document it all, about not being able to write all one wishes, about not having the sufficient days to explore the world and oneself...I'm just like that Mimi...but we shall keep on rowing, striving, deciding daily what we leave in or out, or as you said, living monumentally...

Hernán A.