
Saturday 1.16.10

Studies in White was a space-inspired, independent, unpermitted, outdoor winter art event I conceived of and coordinated with a friend, Danae' Clark. Whoosh!

Permission Granted

Who gave me permission? I like this question. Several people asked. My response was something like this, “How dare you wear those shoes!” Really now, who gave me permission!? My park gave me permission. It came to me and said, “You must come work in me. Make me a study.” Why would I deny such a thing to a beautiful park with such clean lines? Studies in White took place at Counterbalance Park from 9am-9pm. It was a joy & a pleasure & it offered real satisfaction to me. And that’s important. But I overdid it of course and woke up ill on Sunday, throwing up and unable to take any liquids. I slept for a day and a half then and was finally drinking water in the wee hours of Monday morning.

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